Survival Nation (PC)
Survival Nation is an open-world online RPG VR game. The player takes on the role of one of the survivors of the zombie apocalypse. The main goal is to survive, but in order to do so, he has to cooperate with other members of the survival camp.
In this game, you will:
kill hundreds of zombies,acquire weapons,learn new skills,craft,explore the world,complete quests,and most importantly, fight for survival.
To survive, you need to remember about food and water. You can get food in many ways: by fishing, hunting, gathering, or scouring abandoned houses. In a world where danger awaits you at every turn, taking care of sufficient needs is not the easiest thing to do.
They say that cooperation is the key. It is no different here. Survival Nation is a game that focuses on multiplayer mode. You can join other players and participate in a joint adventure and exploration of the world. Talk to other people, exchange items and supplies, and cooperate during combat. Don't worry. If you still don't want to play with other players, you can enjoy Solo mode and have fun playing alone.
Survival Nation is not lacking in RPG elements either. A whole bunch of missions and side activities are waiting for you. All this to take care of the progression of your character. You have at your disposal 3 unique skill trees, which you develop with each level you gain. It's up to you whether you want to focus on survival skills, combat, physical endurance, or a mix of all of them. In addition to the skill trees, there are quite a few weapons waiting for you to acquire, which you can upgrade.
You'd probably like to know what more you can do in this game. In addition to quests and many forms of food gathering mentioned earlier, there are many other activities. You can search for items with a metal detector, climb on top of various spots, search for treasure using riddles, and much more.
Survival Nation offers a mass of diverse weaponry at your disposal. Each weapon has not only different statistics but also a feeling, and a way of reloading. You can choose from a variety of weapons from categories such as pistol, shotgun, rifle, melee, and explosives. In addition, for real hunters, there is also a bow.
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Wenkly Studio Sp. z o.o.Desarrolladores
Wenkly Studio Sp. z o.o.Enlaces
SteamEn otras plataformas
Survival Nation (Quest)
Fecha de salida
Febrero 2, 2023
SOs compatibles

HMDs compatibles
Forma de juego
- Textos en español
- Voces en inglés
- Textos en inglés
Comentarios (3)
#1 16 JUN 2023 1:31
Vaya juegazo y vaya vicio que llevo. El mapa es enorme!
Los gráficos son "época standalone" aunque el arte no esta mal, le da bastante el pego. Ante la duda compraria la version standalone.
Lo peor quizás es que solo puedes tener seleccionada una misión, y si haces otra de mientras no te cuenta, tienes que seleccionar la mision ponerla activa y luego "recoger las setas" por ejemplo.
Me encanta eso de subir de nivel e asignar puntos de habilidad, tambien mejorar las armas.
El mapa tiene un aire a far cry, es un mapa de mundo abierto, todo lleno de símbolos con tipos de tareas o misiones.
Como survival no llega al crafting de the forest, pero a mi me gusta mas el toque de subir lvl con perks.
La escalada es un poco chorra, ya que solo son misiones de escalada, no sirve para ir a sitios, simplmente subir xp y ganar pasta.
#2 13 OCT 2023 10:05
En su web pone que en 2024 sale para PSVR2 y en steamvr veo que sale en 2023 el Survival Nation GO, es una versión para monitores y esta muy chula, debe ser para jugar coop con los de la RV y así se convierte en "híbrido".
De mis juegazos del año. No puedo dejar de recomendarlo ya que dura más que la media.
#3 15 SEP 2024 6:55
Llamadme subnormal pero no sé cómo hacer una bola de nieve y no puedo hacer cierta misión del juego. Me voy a la guía y no indica nada. He probado a coger del suelo de las rocas en fin jaja alguien puede ayudarme?