Tema: Conferencia anual de desarrolladores de Google, I/O 2017, del 17 a 19 de Mayo


  • MaximVR

    17 Jun 2014 19:51

    Mensajes: 1163


    Oculus Go
    MaximVR » 14 MAY 2017  10:10

    La conferencia anual de desarrolladores de Google, I/O, comienza la próxima semana (del miércoles 17 al 19 de mayo) en el Shoreline Amphitheatre en Mountain View, California. Aparte de los talleres y la ayuda técnica para los desarrolladores, la compañía utiliza I/O para anunciar sus próximos proyectos y esfuerzos.


    Google Daydream y realidad virtual


    El año pasado, Google anunció y luego lanzó Daydream, su equipo para la realidad virtual para apoyar su plataforma VR y estándar. A medida que Google sigue invirtiendo en VR (recientemente adquirió el estudio de videojuegos VR Owlchemy Labs), no será ninguna sorpresa si Google lanza más anuncios y contenido sobre VR.


    La plataforma de realidad aumentada de Google Tango forma ahora parte del equipo de VR, por lo que espera que Google tome los siguientes pasos aquí, trabajando VR y realidad aumentada (AR) en una sola visión. Definitivamente sería agradable ver controladores más avanzados y cámaras que podrían ayudar a mezclar estas dos realidades juntas.


    A ver que han adelantado durante este año. Igual nos dan una sorpresa y han conseguido integrar Tango con los nuevos smarphones Daydream añadiendo posicionamiento inside-out al igual que los HMD de Microsoft. Pero viendo el silencio que hay respecto a Daydream, las pocas aplicaciones y pocos terminales que lo soportan después de un año tengo que ser escéptico respecto a esta plataforma. Mucho tendría que mejorar en precio y prestaciones y aplicaciones disponibles para que fuera interesante.

  • MaximVR

    17 Jun 2014 19:51

    Mensajes: 1163


    Oculus Go
    MaximVR » 14 MAY 2017  10:31

    En la agenda de Google I/O 2017 se puede hacer un filtrado para ver que conferencias van a tratar la RV. Muchas de las conferencias van a estar disponibles en streaming.




    Office Hours with the Daydream and Tango Developer teams
    Wed. May 17, 5PM - 6PM -- Office Hours Section 4
    Learn how to build high-quality mobile VR and AR apps on Daydream and Tango. Hear best practices directly from members of our Developer teams, and discover our latest developer tools to help you maximize performance and quality on mobile devices. Our team's mission is to "make awesome easy," and to provide developers with a creative platform that lets them focus on building the best possible experiences in VR and AR.




    VR and AR at Google
    Thu. May 18, 9:30AM - 10:30AM -- Amphitheatre
    Content levels: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate
    Daydream is high-quality mobile VR for everyone, and Tango enables mobile devices to see the world like we do. Learn more about what we've built, what we've learned, and where we're headed.


    Daydream in the classroom: immersive learning
    Thu. May 18, 10:30AM - 11:30AM -- Stage 4
    Content level: Beginner
    In addition to games and entertainment, VR and AR's unprecedented blend of interaction and immersion open up new and powerful educational experiences both in and outside of the classroom. This talk will cover what the Google Expeditions team has learned from over a year of bringing immersive learning into classrooms around the world. It'll explore how immersive learning can be used with large, co-located groups, how to best equip an educator to teach with these tools and what elements make up compelling educational content.


    Office Hours with the Daydream and Tango Developer teams
    Thu. May 18, 10:30AM - 11:30AM -- Office Hours Section 4
    Learn how to build high-quality mobile VR and AR apps on Daydream and Tango. Hear best practices directly from members of our Developer teams, and discover our latest developer tools to help you maximize performance and quality on mobile devices. Our team's mission is to "make awesome easy," and to provide developers with a creative platform that lets them focus on building the best possible experiences in VR and AR.


    What's new on Daydream
    Thu. May 18, 11:30AM - 12:30PM -- Stage 4
    Content level: Intermediate
    Daydream makes immersive experiences accessible for everyone. In this session, we'll share the lessons we've learned from working with hundreds of Daydream developers to help you create innovative experiences and build the future of mobile immersive computing. We'll also show you how new and upcoming Daydream features will help you create even more engaging VR apps and games.


    Bringing VR Video apps to Daydream: Making great Daydream experiences with Unity
    Thu. May 18, 2:30PM - 3:30PM -- Stage 4
    Content levels: Beginner, Intermediate
    Experiences in virtual reality can be powerful and immersive. This session provides a foundation for building great VR video based apps using Unity, a game engine for 3D rendering, and Exoplayer, an open source playback library for Android. We'll review the recommended architecture for Daydream apps and scene designs for multiple videos, as well as 360 degree and 2D playback. We'll also explore how to work with Android libraries in Unity.


    What's new on Tango
    Thu. May 18, 3:30PM - 4:30PM -- Stage 4
    Content level: Intermediate
    Tango brings motion sensing and environment capture to mobile devices. We will cover some of the applications developers have been creating, improvements to our platform SDKs, introduce how large scale augmented reality experiences can be made, and give a peek into the road ahead.




    Designing screen interfaces for VR
    Fri. May 19, 11:30AM - 12:30PM -- Stage 4
    Content levels: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate
    When we think of VR, our minds naturally gravitate towards three-dimensional environments and interactions. But, there are times when it's necessary to present content in a two-dimensional way. With VR, we have the opportunity to reevaluate the nature of screens, and how we view and interact with screen-based content. This talk will cover techniques the Daydream team uses to create legible, usable screen interfaces in VR. We will introduce new workflows, new units, and highlight interaction opportunities and pitfalls.


    Office Hours with the Daydream and Tango Developer teams
    Fri. May 19, 11:30AM - 12:30PM -- Office Hours Section 2
    Learn how to build high-quality mobile VR and AR apps on Daydream and Tango. Hear best practices directly from members of our Developer teams, and discover our latest developer tools to help you maximize performance and quality on mobile devices. Our team's mission is to "make awesome easy," and to provide developers with a creative platform that lets them focus on building the best possible experiences in VR and AR.


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