Holodance (PC)
Freestyle VR Rhythm Game Sandbox
Holodance now supports osu!-beatmaps which gives you thousands of high quality, perfectly synched beatmaps that you can now play in Virtual Reality (almost 12,000 songs, more than 45,000 beatmaps with varying difficulties). Also, we already have four "non-themed" bonus levels to play in, in addition to the already existing 12 environments that belong to the story of the game. Stepmania support is coming very soon, and our own, native Holodance beatmap editor is coming soon (with this, you will be able to play any MP3 you have on your computer). So what you are getting here is a very solid Virtual Reality rhythm game that you can play with a fairly large library of high quality content.
What is Holodance? Holo obviously was inspired by Holodeck, so imagine "dancing in the Holodeck". Of course, "dancing" just means tuning into the rhythm and freely moving with the music. There's orbs arriving perfectly in sync with the music that you need to catch, and curves you need to follow. But no, we're not gonna tell you how to move because we consider dancing really a free expressive movement of rhythm and joy.
We also have a kind of serious story mode with music composed specifically for the game, which is still under heavy development - that's what our original store description was about, so you're kind of getting two games in one:Story-Mode
Strap on your headset, grab your controllers, and experience Holodance. Designed from the ground up for the HTC Vive, Holodance is a 1-4 player collaborative multiplayer Virtual Reality rhythm game which places you center stage (NOTE: Multiplayer is currently under heavy development and not functional). Your body is your instrument as you find yourself entering and dancing through a series of room-scale VR music videos starring you, your friends, and dragons. Make new friends, learn their moves, take in their story and hear their warning. Episode 1: Dancing with Dragons features twelve songs, each with four perfectly timed partitions so the action precisely matches the music. The dragons traveled very far to find and bring you on a special journey through rhythm, melodies, time and space. They came here to find out one thing:
Are you ready to write a new history for the future?
All music is composed and produced specifically for this VR experience using ear-tantalizing 3D audio spatialisation so you can hear each instrument in the space around you while catching those rhythmic orbs the dragons throw your way. Your best headphones are strongly recommended. We have both audio-data for each instrument track for perfect sound as well as MIDI-data for perfectly precise gameplay that's almost like you're actually there, playing the instrument as you dance. Miss a note, however, and the track you're playing becomes muted until you get back into the beat. Your friends will know who is missing notes. You will know which one of your friends is missing notes. Don't be too mean though, and they may return the favor. The dragons would prefer if you get along and cooperate as more pressing issues are at claw. I mean at hand. Sorry.How to Tune into the MusicHolodance is fully controlled with motion tracked controllers designed for room-scale VR. Be ready to catch notes with both of your hands. If it becomes too hectic, why not use your head too? The game features a variety of styles for catching notes: Percussive instruments have notes in the form of orbs flying your way as you drum out the rhythm. Sustained instruments come as paths in 3D space which you glide your hands along in just the right pace. If that isn't enough and you seek to truly impress the dragons, there are stationary orbs that you can tap in any sequence - you will just need to match the rhythm and hit the orbs to the beat. At that point you may almost be considered a musician, unless being a musician is actually what got you this far. Then, be prepared for some twists and surprises in Levels 10, 11 and 12. Speaking of which:Beautiful EnvironmentsHolodance Episode 1: Dancing with Dragons features 12 levels, each with unique music and environment. The VR aspect of the game pulls you directly into the environments; feel free to look around and enjoy the sights. The dragons first take you through nine levels on a journey over land, through the air, beneath the waves and across time. Afterwards, you will experience two very different levels in a potential dystopic future setting - a future you may want to change. (Please be aware that the later settings in Holodance may be frightening for children, parental discretion is strongly encouraged as the game is not intended for kids) In the final level, you might find out how to divert the path that history takes as you finally meet her ... the mythical one ... the Blue Mother of all dragons.Collaborative MultiplayerHolodance can be played alone but where it really shines is with three fellow dancers. Join up with your friends to tackle songs or meet strangers to impress and befriend. Everyone's score is added up; the more people you have in a session, the higher your maximum score, so you will shine most as band of four: Four instrument tracks, four heroes each with their own track; the leader boards are ready. Tackle it solo or with friends, competitive or casual; fun is the real achievement. On the wondrous journey to create paradise right here, right now!
(NOTE: Multiplayer is currently under heavy development and not functional)CreditsWhile there are currently only four people working on the game full-time, it is actually an international collaboration with talents from across the globe. We are proud to present the community effort of the following fine individuals (but no dragons, probably):
Jashan Chittesh (full-time), Munich, Germany: Game-Design, programming, set-design, project-management, marketing, community-management, some music remixing
Samuel Hajek (full-time), Freyung, Germany: Art direction, modeling, texturing and animating all the dragons, concept art for the levels
Hrishikesh Varaskar (full-time), Mumbai, India, currently working with Jashan and Samuel in Germany: Art direction, modeling, color-theming
Adrien Laurent (full-time), Javené, France, currently working with Jashan and Samuel in Germany: Game-Design, Quality Assurance
Mirimah Münch, Munich, Germany: Producer
Additional Artists
Anne Stokes, Leeds, Yorkshire, England (http://www.annestokes.com/): Concept Art for the Blue Mother of All Dragons (who appears in Level 12)
Sheldon Song, Shanghai, China: Set-design for Levels 1, 3, 6 and 7
Yuki Hoo, Shanghai, China: Set-design for Levels 1, 3, 6 and 7
Alexey Saveliev aka Almgp from Dno, Pskov Oblast, Russia: Set-design for Levels 5 and 9
Roy van Doorn, Netherlands: Set-design for Level 10
Ben Baures, Denver, United States: Copy Editing (store pages, words of the dragons) ... he started as a player, wrote an epic review and thus, become our Wizard of Words. We were not able to verify his true identity, yet, so he may very well be a dragon in disguise.
Voice Actors
Peter Baker, United Kingdom: Voice Acting for Pritvitej, the land dragon (who appears in Levels 1, 5, 9 and 11)
Vincent Planchon, France (Website): Voice Acting for Vayusah, the air dragon (who appears in Levels 2, 4 and 8)
Frazer Blaxland, United Kingdom: Voice Acting for Apastarrr, the water dragon (who appears in Levels 3, 6 and 7)
Voice-Acting for Akasha (“The Blue Mother of All Dragons”, who appears in Level 12) is still open
Musicians / Producers
Finn MK, Ottawa, Canada (http://www.finnmk.com): Composition of the song in Level 1
Efe Tozan, Istanbul, Turkey (Soundcloud Profile): Composition of the songs for Level 2 and 3, 10 and 11
Derek Weiand aka Volition, United States (Soundcloud Profile): Song for Level 6
Evangelos (Vango) Stavrakakis, Munich, Germany: Bonus song for Level 1, Sound-effects
Mixed Reality Trailer
Chris Bodenstein, Munich, Germany (+49-157-89062600): Camera and editing
Thomas Nibbler, Munich, Germany (Website): Post-production
Carlotta Scalone, Munich, Germany: Player
Laudo (Claudia) Winsaur, Munich, Germany: Player
Leon Kessler, Munich, Germany: Player
Florian Kammerloher, Munich, Germany: Player
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narayana games UGEnlaces
Fecha de salida
Abril 5, 2016
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