#SelfieTennis (PC)

Instructions: You use the triggers to spawn the ball(s) and racket. Double-click on racket trigger to lock it. You can change controller hands on the small button above the touchpad. Knock #BallPeople off the court and take their hearts to enter #HeartAttack mode (time-limited upgrades).

#SelfieStick is on ball controller's grips and you can record a GIF and tweet it out via the touchpad - log on to your Twitter profile via the computer screen when you start the game. Double-click grips to lock it in your hand. SAFETY IS KING: Controllers can fly, SO WEAR WRIST STRAPS!

Cheats (on keyboard):
- F: For #FriendsMode (local leaderboards) - CLICK TO SEE INSTRUCTIONS
- I: spawn peeps outside court
- O: delete peeps outside court
- P: spawn peeps inside court
- L: delete peeps inside court
- B: for high Balls serve mode
- E: for Enio ball (experimental - for higher visibility)
- K: for Kids mode (don't cheat, if you're an adult...by age)
- S: deactivate the #SelfieStick
- M: turn of Music
- Arrow keys: rotate play space
- HAHAHA: Laugh at your friends for extra hearts!
- XXX: for #MixedRealityMode - CLICK TO SEE INSTRUCTIONS
- T: rotate playspace on racket controller grips while in #MixedRealityMode

Us VRUnicorns are hardcore jammers and we're constantly jamming on new and fun features for #SelfieTennis. Let us know of any crazy ideas, wacky features and tricks/cheats you would like us to add. We’re a tiny team game jamming our way through life, so we can’t promise that all features will make it in, but cool ideas should be tried. Check out this #SelfieTennis discussion thread and post your wishes: https://www.reddit.com/r/Vive/comments/4lk1ab/tell_us_your_wishes_selfietennis/

#EverydayIsJammingDay #MadeWithUnity #MadeWithUnicorns


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