MetaHunterVR (PC)

MetaHunterVR MetaHunterVR MetaHunterVR
Immerse yourself in the untamed beauty of the natural world with "Wild Realms VR," an exhilarating Oculus Rift experience that brings the thrill of the hunt to the virtual realm. Step into the shoes of a skilled and ethical animal hunter, tasked with exploring lush landscapes, tracking elusive prey, and honing your marksmanship skills in a variety of challenging environments.

Key Features:

Realistic Environments: Explore breathtakingly realistic and diverse landscapes, from dense forests and expansive plains to rugged mountains and serene lakes. The Oculus Rift's cutting-edge technology transports you to these immersive environments, where every rustle of leaves and distant animal call feels incredibly lifelike.

A Rich Ecosystem: Encounter a wide array of wildlife, each behaving authentically based on its species. Marvel at the graceful movements of deer, the majestic presence of bears, and the stealthy behavior of predators as they go about their daily routines. The ecosystem is alive, creating an ever-changing and dynamic hunting experience.

Precision Gameplay: Utilize the Oculus Rift's precise motion controls to aim, shoot, and reload with unparalleled accuracy. Feel the tension in your muscles as you draw your virtual bowstring or line up the perfect shot with your high-powered rifle. The realistic physics and mechanics make each hunting excursion a true test of skill.

Ethical Hunting: Embrace the principles of ethical hunting, where responsible decision-making is ke


Atharv Game Studio



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Diciembre 12, 2023

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