Non Fingo VR (PC)

Non Fingo is a hyper-realistic VR Space Combat Simulator with spacecraft you can explore in Zero-G and use to travel seamlessly throughout the galaxy.

N-body gravity acts on all the ships and projectiles, but G is a few orders of magnitude larger than real life - the laws of physics and orbital dynamics remain the same but the pace is faster.

Combat damage is tracked precisely, affecting the results of projectile impacts as armor degrades from previous hits at the same location.

Player movement in 0g is physics based. You can rotate in any axis, push off surfaces, grab and climb, or attach yourself to a floor or wall and walk with 360 locomotion.

Check out the early access section to read about the road map, there's lots more to come.


Inchoate Elk


Inchoate Elk



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Fecha de salida

Julio 17, 2022

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HMDs compatibles


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