Zong (Quest) (APP LAB)

In the vast universe, there is a dimension called Zong. Zong is where the supreme beings live. You, as the VR player, will be teleported into Zong being your real "self" on Earth and embark a journey to become a human messenger.

This release contains the very first two levels of Zong:
1 - The Centiwell;
2 - Cliffside Tiger.

Your initial location in Zong will be in the Cave of Centiwell, where you will meet with one of the four Supreme Commanders in the current era of Anima Gravis. The Commander will talk to you about the hardships Zong is going though and your missions in Zong.

At the exit of the cave, you will be standing on a battlefield, facing with Boreas Gorge. The Osteospectral Tiger whose skin is transparent has sensed your smell coming from human earth and will come to your life, will you survive?

The development team of Zong consists of artists and programmers coming from five different countries. We deeply appreciate your coming to Zong.


Beijing Uni Technologies

