E S S E N C E (PC)

▲▼▲WAKE UP▲▼▲
There is no memory. No information what happened or why. Nothing about you, nothing about your life. You are in a world you don’t remember seeing before at a place forgotten by time and space. Wake up and explore this majestic world that has been waiting for your return so long.

Remember your being and remember your abilities which are hidden in ancient structures. These will challenge your mind with anomalous puzzles. Wander freely through these lands and beyond to find yourself. And finally discover the truth, the past and the future of places, you never believed would exist...▲▼▲ENTER ESSENCE▲▼▲
ESSENCE is a new crossover between a first person exploration and none violent adventure game with Metroidvania elements, beautiful landscapes, and interwoven open world areas.

It's as much about exploring the different worlds of ESSENCE and collecting lost fragments of the world as discovering secret places filled with mysterious messages. Also, it is about solving puzzles and learning new abilities that help you proceed further on otherwise hidden paths. The further you will go the more possibilities you will have to interact with the world and its surroundings.

The game has a narration, that will combine messages from different characters with a dense and diverse environmental storytelling. By uncovering all these places and messages you will experience an anomalous story that slowly leads you to one interwoven conclusion.

ESSENCE will be a mesmerizing journey full of wonder in which you can loose yourself, diving deep in an atmosphere, filled with feelings about an ancient civilization, arcane technology and lost philosophy, a journey that will change the way you see exploration ...

See you soon, Traveler


Aventura indie







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Fecha de salida

Abril 18, 2017

SOs compatibles

Windows Mac Linux

HMDs compatibles

Forma de juego