Orkhon Inscriptions Mongolia VR (PC)

Orkhon Inscriptions

Turkish writings, discovered in the valley of the Orkhon River in northern Mongolia in 1889.
They are deciphered in 1893 by the Danish Philologist Vilhem Thomsen.
They are on three large monuments, erected in AD 732 and 735 in honour of the turkish prince Kül (d. 731),
his brother the emperor Bilge (d. 734) and Tonyukuk (d. 716) the councelor of four Turkic khagans.
They relate in epic language the legendary origins of the Turks, the golden age of their history.
The polished style of the writings suggests considerable earlier development of the Turkish language.

This VR animated experience aimes to give an impression of these monuments. The content is much longer than shown here.

Erkan Erat (M.A. Study of Central Asia, Turkology and Cultural Anthropology).





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Marzo 9, 2022

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  • Textos en inglés