Caretaker Retribution (PC)

Caretaker Retribution is a six degrees of freedom first person shooter set inside a massive alien machine.

You can play on PC and Mac. You can also play in VR using an HTC Vive or Oculus Rift. The VR is completely optional.

If you have an HTC Vive Caretaker Retribution makes full use of room-scale tracked motion controllers. For all other VR platforms a Joypad is needed.The story
Long ago two brave pioneers set out into the expanse to find out why the stars were going out in the universe, apart from a single cryptic message that led to the discovery of the Alpha Device, they were never heard of again.

Years later what happened to them was finally discovered. After finding their way into a Star Killer, Commander Andy Carolan watched as his friend and colleague Commander Alan Purdy was killed trying to disable it. Witnessing this he dug in deeper and eventually found a way to destroy it.

Caretaker Retribution, a game by Byron Atkinson-Jones and starring Stargate’s David Hewlett and Ed Mace.


Xiotex Studios Ltd



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Fecha de salida

Diciembre 15, 2016

SOs compatibles

Windows Mac

HMDs compatibles

Forma de juego