The Vox VR (Android)

The Vox VR
The Vox VR
The Vox VR
The Vox VR
The Vox VR
The Vox VR
The Vox VR The Vox VR The Vox VR The Vox VR The Vox VR The Vox VR
The Vox is a fiction drama VR short film delivered as an APP. It is an immersive cinematic experience, shot in 360º, with the ability for the visitor to interact and make crucial decisions that affect both, the course and journey of the characters in the story.


Two girls find a box in the street, which contains three mysterious videotapes. Through the tapes, the film delves into three fundamental aspects: family, love and death, to which the visitor/viewer enters through the same interactive fiction window to discover the three dramas.


Gaz VR

