The Disappearing Oasis (PC)

The Disappearing Oasis
The Disappearing Oasis
The Disappearing Oasis
The Disappearing Oasis
The Disappearing Oasis
The Disappearing Oasis The Disappearing Oasis The Disappearing Oasis The Disappearing Oasis The Disappearing Oasis
Halim Sbai knows he cannot save the oasis, but he is doing everything he can to let the world know what’s happening on the border with Sahara.

The Disappearing Oasis, an immersive film by Contrast VR, illuminates desertification, which threatens the livelihood of more than 2 million people living in the oases (fertile areas in a desert) in Morocco. Climate change is one of the main causes for degradation of these fragile ecosystems. Lack of opportunities drive people away from oases leaving empty lands for the Sahara to grab. While locals cannot save oases by themselves, Halim plants palm tree seeds every year to stop desertification.


Contrast VR



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Agosto 14, 2018

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