Tema: Facebook rediseñará Oculus Rift para adaptarlo a su interfaz


  • zorex

    23 Mar 2014 16:36

    Mensajes: 221

    zorex » 26 MAR 2014  19:22

    "Facebook rediseñará Oculus Rift para adaptarlo a su interfaz, según NYT"


    Oculus Rift incorporará una interfaz adaptada de Facebook, según ha informado The New York Times. El casco de realidad virtual será rediseñado basándose en la red social y acercándose al estilo del logo de la plataforma.
    Facebook planea rediseñar el hardware de Oculus VR, la compañía responsable del dispositivo de realidad virtual, y renovar su imagen con la interfaz de Facebook y su logo.


    La red social ha anunciado este martes que ha llegado a un acuerdo para comprar Oculus VR por 2.000 millones de dólares. Aunque no se ha especificado el futuro para el innovador casco, Zuckerberg ha expresado su entusiasmo en torno a las posibilidades del dispositivo. "Imagínate disfrutar de un asiento en un partido, estudiar en una clase con estudiantes y profesores de todo el mundo o ir a la consulta de un doctor cara a cara con sólo ponerte unas gafas en tu casa", ha reflexionado.


    ¿Creéis que esto es cierto?

  • crim3

    17 May 2013 01:00

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    Ubicación: Valencia, Spain

    crim3 » 26 MAR 2014  20:21

    Ni de coña

    [size=85]PC gaming rulez :P[/size]

  • MjK

    20 Mar 2014 13:28

    Mensajes: 18

    MjK » 26 MAR 2014  20:22

    Te ha faltado poner en negrita y subrayado la palabra RUMOR.

  • altair28


    18 Ago 2013 16:58

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    altair28 » 26 MAR 2014  20:25

    Es un rumor, no se da ninguna fuente concreta, solo se habla de "alguien cercano". COn los odios y fanatismos que se están creando en uno y otro bando, es normal que salgan montones de noticias inventadas para tratar de inclinar la balanza a uno u otro lado. Ahora hay que mirar todas las informaciones con lupa y creerse solo lo que venga de fuentes contrastadas.

    Mi PC: AMD Ryzen 7 7700x, Nvidia RTX 4070 Ti, 32 Gb RAM DDR5 6000Mhz

  • Jonelo

    14 Jul 2013 11:15

    Mensajes: 426

    Jonelo » 26 MAR 2014  20:32

    El rumor esta recogido por un periodista de New York Times de boca de un miembro de Oculus . Pongo con cierta tranquilidad una mano en el fuego por una noticia del NYT. Pero no veo que diga eso exactamente, aunque lo que cuenta no es muy alentador


    According to a person involved in the deal who was not allowed to speak publicly because he was not authorized by either company, Facebook eventually plans to redesign the Oculus hardware and rebrand it with a Facebook interface and logo.


    www.nytimes.com/2014/03/26/techn ... .html?_r=0


    Lo pego por que el NYT es problematico para ver, suele bloquearte si has visto mas de 10 paginas al mes y me va saltar rapido el aviso


    Facebook in $2 Billion Deal for Virtual Reality Company


    Facebook sees the future — a 3-D virtual world where you feel as if you are hanging out with your friends rather than staring at their pictures.

    To fulfill that vision, the company announced on Tuesday that it had reached a $2 billion agreement to buy Oculus VR, the maker of a virtual reality headset. It’s a bet that a technology commonly associated with science fiction can help eventually turn social networking into an immersive, 3-D experience.

    Mark Zuckerberg, a co-founder and the chief executive of Facebook, said the deal reflected his belief that virtual reality could be the next big computing platform after mobile, a technology the company has spent most of the last several years adapting to, for the most part successfully. Facebook’s deal came as a surprise, because Oculus, a small start-up that has not yet shipped a product to the broader public, is working on what some view as a niche technology aimed at hard-core video game players.

    Mr. Zuckerberg, though, said Facebook had much bigger plans for its acquisition. “Imagine enjoying a courtside seat at a game, studying in a classroom of students and teachers all over the world or consulting with a doctor face to face — just by putting on goggles in your home,” Mr. Zuckerberg wrote in a post on Facebook.

    With the deal, Facebook is the latest Silicon Valley company to invest in wearable hardware that reimagines how people will one day interact with information and other forms of content. Google has taken a different approach with Glass, its high-tech eyewear that overlays maps, messages and other data on a transparent lens in front of people’s eyes, through which they can still view their surroundings.

    The acquisition is one of several bets that Facebook, with about 1.2 billion users worldwide, is making in its effort to anticipate the future and secure its dominance of social communication.

    For example, last month, the company announced it would buy WhatsApp, a mobile messaging app, for $16 billion plus as much as $3 billion in future payouts. That purchase was a bet on the fast growth in mobile messages, a type of one-to-one communication that largely bypasses Facebook.

    More recently, the company has tried to leverage its strong position in mobile applications into new mobile markets, and Mr. Zuckerberg seemed to suggest that Oculus, which now requires the horsepower of a personal computer, could one day work on mobile devices.

    James McQuivey, an analyst with Forrester Research, questioned Facebook’s strategy in buying Oculus, because he does not believe virtual reality has compelling applications beyond gaming.

    “The fit is so poor,” he said. “You could easily have done some kind of partnership.”

    And Brian Blau, an analyst with the research firm Gartner who worked in virtual reality over two decades ago, said that back then, “Virtual reality had hip, hype and hope.” He added, “Unfortunately the story is still the same today.”

    Oculus Rift, the headset Oculus VR is developing, is a boxy set of goggles that envelops the eyes of its wearers, completely surrounding their field of view with high-resolution screens that create 3-D images. Motion sensors in the headset track the movement of a person’s head, shifting their view on the screen and creating the feeling that the wearer has an active presence in a virtual world.
    Continue reading the main story A test of headtracking features using the Rift for the game Project CARS shows what a virtual reality experience could be like using an Oculus headset. Video by Malsa

    Brendan Iribe, a co-founder and the chief executive of Oculus VR, said Facebook would be able to use the technology to allow avatars representing its members to interact with one another — perhaps by socializing at online parties.

    “If you can see somebody else, and your brain believes they’re right in front of you, you get goosebumps,” he said. “You start to realize how big this could be.”

    For tech fanatics, virtual reality is a long-running dream that has never quite made the leap from Star Trek and other science fiction fantasies into a product that ordinary people would buy. It has made modest inroads in some industrial and medical applications — for treating post-traumatic stress disorder in veterans, for example.

    There is hope among virtual reality aficionados that now may finally be the technology’s moment. Essential components for virtual reality headsets, like high-resolution screens and motion sensors, are now relatively cheap and plentiful because of the boom in mobile devices, allowing companies like Oculus VR to make higher-quality, better-priced products than those in the past.

    Oculus has sold more than 75,000 of its headsets to game developers, but has not announced when it will release a version to the public.

    Sony recently said that it, too, would create a virtual reality headset for its PlayStation 4 game console.

    Facebook is paying $400 million in cash and about $1.6 billion in stock for Oculus, with up to $300 million more depending on Oculus’s performance.

    Antonio Rodriguez, an Oculus board member and general partner at Matrix Partners, one of the two largest institutional investors in the company, said in an interview that Facebook had promised that Oculus could operate largely autonomously within the larger company, much as do WhatsApp and the photo-sharing service Instagram, which Facebook acquired in 2012.

    Although Facebook plans to continue the development of Oculus’s gaming hardware, there are many other applications longer term. “People will build a model of a place far away and you’ll go see it,” Mr. Zuckerberg said during a conference call. “It’s like teleporting.”

    About 40 percent of the time that people spend online on computers is on gaming, Mr. Zuckerberg said, and 40 percent is on social communication.

    “You need to fuse both of those together,” he said.

    According to a person involved in the deal who was not allowed to speak publicly because he was not authorized by either company, Facebook eventually plans to redesign the Oculus hardware and rebrand it with a Facebook interface and logo.

    Some developers were not happy about the deal. “We were in talks about maybe bringing a version of Minecraft to Oculus,” said Markus Persson, creator of the popular game, on Twitter. “I just cancelled that deal. Facebook creeps me out.”

    Palmer Luckey, the 21-year-old co-founder of Oculus VR, said Facebook’s huge audience and resources would help give the technology backing that it has never had before. “This is the best shot virtual reality has ever had and probably will ever have,” he said.
  • altair28


    18 Ago 2013 16:58

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    Ubicación: En mi mundo virtual


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    altair28 » 26 MAR 2014  20:37

    Que la noticia provenga de un periodico del prestigio del The New York Times no se puede discutir que le da credibilidad, pero aun así me parece muy vago lo de la "persona involucrada en el trato que no tiene permitido hablar públicamente por no estar autorizado por ninguna de las dos compañias". Si no está autorizado a hablar públicamente, que hace largandole el asunto a un periodista del NYT?


    Lo del rediseño del hardware y la interfaz sería algo que provocaría aun más rechazo, no creo yo que quieran meterse en esos charcos... pero bueno, ya veremos.

    Mi PC: AMD Ryzen 7 7700x, Nvidia RTX 4070 Ti, 32 Gb RAM DDR5 6000Mhz

  • Jonelo

    14 Jul 2013 11:15

    Mensajes: 426

    Jonelo » 26 MAR 2014  20:45

    Es que es logico que una informacion asi venga de alguien sin identificar . El propio articulo explica por que no puede identificarlo . Pero no son rumores, el periodista ha hablado directamente con el . Yo he dicho que era de Oculus VR , el articulo dice realmente que era alguien que participo en el trato ( pudiendo hacerlo parte de Facebook o Oculus).

  • Diegolas

    29 Nov 2013 08:38

    Mensajes: 542

    Diegolas » 26 MAR 2014  21:05

    Sinceramente, no me lo creo.

  • predator036

    7 Sep 2013 12:07

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    HTC Vive Pro
    predator036 » 26 MAR 2014  21:39

    Sea o no sea rumor, que yo creo que es cierto y bien cierto, como alguien puede creerse que con la carta de presentacion que tiene Facebook, que practican el canibalismo-tecnologico tirando de billetera, sin importarles una mierda nada mas que su propio interes, como todavia hay gente que pueda pensar que van a dejar a Oculus intacto y como si tal cosa despues de soltar 2000 millones de dolares, van a joder el sueño Oculus bien jodido, por favor documentaros y comprobar el destrozo que organizaron nada mas entrar en Instagram, tengo amigos fotografos profesionales, que fue comprar Facebook este sitio y tener que salir ellos vomitando del lugar de la escabechina que organizaron, en el continuo intento desesperado de meter su mierda de Facebook, señores, Facebook esta agonizando y se va a llevar por delante a quien leches se ponga por medio !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................

  • Lehos

    15 Mar 2014 15:38

    Mensajes: 4

    Lehos » 26 MAR 2014  22:36

    Si es un rumor debe ser verdad.

  • Franky

    16 May 2013 21:49

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    Ubicación: Murcia

    Franky » 26 MAR 2014  22:40
  • Faldo

    19 May 2013 14:59

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    Faldo » 26 MAR 2014  22:53

    Yo no puedo esperar a sentir los motores de mi Origin 300 en algún sector perdido dentro del universo de Start Cityzen, en medio de una cruenta batalla, luchando por sobrevivir rodeado de piratas, sin saber si cada segundo va a ser el último para mi... Y que de repente oír una señal y ver en la parte superior derecha de la pantalla la foto de mi madre con un mensaje para mi que dice "Tu madre ha subido una foto en la que apareces, ¿deseas verla?

  • Jonelo

    14 Jul 2013 11:15

    Mensajes: 426

    Jonelo » 26 MAR 2014  22:56
    "Lehos"Si es un rumor debe ser verdad.


    Sinceramente , el NYT a la hora de hacer periodismo es bastante serio y fiable, de manual . Una fuente con la que se ha hablado directamente pero no se puede identificar para evitar problemas, es bastante creible . A no ser que sea una mala interpretacion de sus palabras .

  • Jonelo

    14 Jul 2013 11:15

    Mensajes: 426

    Jonelo » 26 MAR 2014  22:56
    "Faldo"Yo no puedo esperar a sentir los motores de mi Origin 300 en algún sector perdido dentro del universo de Start Cityzen, en medio de una cruenta batalla, luchando por sobrevivir rodeado de piratas, sin saber si cada segundo va a ser el último para mi... Y que de repente oír una señal y ver en la parte superior derecha de la pantalla la foto de mi madre con un mensaje para mi que dice "Tu madre ha subido una foto en la que apareces, ¿deseas verla?


  • Jonelo

    14 Jul 2013 11:15

    Mensajes: 426

    Jonelo » 26 MAR 2014  22:59

    Por cierto la demo de Tuscany con inteface de Facebook es epica

  • Lehos

    15 Mar 2014 15:38

    Mensajes: 4

    Lehos » 27 MAR 2014  0:10
    "Lehos"Si es un rumor debe ser verdad.

    Sinceramente , el NYT a la hora de hacer periodismo es bastante serio y fiable, de manual . Una fuente con la que se ha hablado directamente pero no se puede identificar para evitar problemas, es bastante creible . A no ser que sea una mala interpretacion de sus palabras .
    No leí la desmentida de Facebook, ahora el rumor tiene nula credibilidad.

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