Tema: PS VR Dead Or Alive Extreme 3 (video)


  • tomasjrl

    24 Feb 2014 20:03

    Mensajes: 307

    tomasjrl » 29 AGO 2016  21:55

    Aca les dejo un video de PSVR funcionando en el juego Dead Or Alive Extreme 3 ... Definitivamente, la realidad virtual esta llegando....





    00:41 .... Para mi cumple con todas mis expectativas.. lol

  • Cdaked


    18 Ene 2014 12:42

    Mensajes: 10320

    Ubicación: Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)


    Pimax 8K
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    Cdaked » 29 AGO 2016  23:04

    Playstation se come el pastel de la RV. Yastá.
    El vídeo me ponía nervioso. Ya temía tener que abrir un paraguas.

    Equipo: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X; Gigabyte Aorus 3080 Ti Master; DDR4 32GB 4GHz C16.

  • MaximVR

    17 Jun 2014 19:51

    Mensajes: 1163


    Oculus Go
    MaximVR » 5 FEB 2017  10:39

    Hace un par de semanas que sacaron el complemento en VR en Japón.


    Me han aparecido algunos vídeos en youtube sobre este juego que ya tenía olvidado. No creo que lo veamos en occidente, este tipo de juegos casa solo con la mentalidad japonesa, aquí no sería comercializable.


    Dead or Alive VR is Absolutely NSFW


    De la descripción en youtube:
    Publicado el 24 ene. 2017

    This video as the title suggests IS NSFW. PROCEED WITH CAUTION.

    Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 has just released its VR patch in Japan and twitter it's trending all over japanese twitter. It seems like it's very NFSW as people have expected and may have actually gone over people's expectations of just how over the top it went. The new VR patch is going to cost 1500 yen and will only be available for the Japanese version (probably Japanese PSN as well) and no date has been announced for the release of the patch in the states.
  • MaximVR

    17 Jun 2014 19:51

    Mensajes: 1163


    Oculus Go
    MaximVR » 5 FEB 2017  10:52

    En el reddit de Dead or Alive hacen una crítica a la jugabilidad indicando que la interacción es muy pobre.




    It's weird playing the VR paradise mode. You still have that floating controller thing but it does nothing but get stuck on models, blink around, and get in the way. You really do feel like you're playing a reduced version and something is missing. There are also a lot of buttons in the tutorial that aren't explained and just do bizarre things.

    Square makes everything go black and all sounds disappear save the girl's model.
    R3 makes... everything go black? Why?
    Triangle doesn't seem to do anything
    R1 makes a mini floaty controller thing appear behind the floaty controller thing. It's just weird. It makes no sense.
    Circle and X both move you around. They seem to force a camera position reset too.
    L1 doesn't seem to do anything?
    Sometimes the backgrounds disappear.
    Sometimes all the scenery disappears.
    I'm hoping that they add some more VR features in the future.

    Another thing that really bothered me is the 3D sound is very bad, especially compared to something like summer lesson. I kept getting voices out the wrong side of my headset depending where my head was. Well, the models looked a lot better though than the girl in summer lesson so there's that trade off I suppose.
    With zero forms of interaction with the girls, either gestural, physical, or verbal, its just got so much unrealized potential. The only thing left is the reaction from staring similar to camera mode in owners paradise if you zoom too much too long.
  • gotmog

    13 Abr 2014 22:03

    Mensajes: 1748


    Oculus Rift Development Kit 2
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    gotmog » 5 FEB 2017  22:42

    Cuando podremos acoplar el move al pene ? Cuando por dios!?


    Ps: estos japos estan locos.


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