Washington, DC in Virtual Reality (PC)

An immersive platform that gives users the ability to explore the sights, sounds, neighborhoods and attractions in and around any given geographic location.

Here we’ve incorporated a combination of 3D modeling, live action 360 video and spatial sound to give users a new way to learn about Washington DC. In this iteration there are 40 featured locations and landmarks in total.

This was developed for HTC Vive deployment and includes an additional Augmented Reality mobile application component. The objective is to leverage Virtual Realty to create excitement and wonder (via the HTC Vive platform and hardware), as well as Augmented Reality (via mobile hardware) as a means to reinforce learning and retention between the virtual and physical worlds.

We believe that it is the convergence of these platforms and technologies that will allow for the greatest impact.


visual mercenary group



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Febrero 21, 2018

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