ViolinVR (Android)

Thanks to the immersive power of GEAR VR you will be able to walk and jump inside a realistic violin carefully crafted.

Imagine to be tall less than 0.5 cm and to be able to explore a violin: jump inside it, walk on the strings and climb up the bow. You will be accompanied by a soundtrack composed ad hoc and recorded with real ancient instruments and you will see this instrument from a completely new perspective.

- Double Tap -> Start / Stop WALK
- Swipe Up -> JUMP

::: HINTS :::
-> If you are inside the violin, just walk on the paper label and you will be lifted up.
-> While you are under the tuning pegs just go towards the lower wall and you will return to the initial positions.
-> When you go on the table you can climb up the bow and jump on the violin.

The soundtrack has been composed ad hoc and recorded with real ancient strings instrument, so for the best listening experience we suggest to use headphones


MG_INC s.r.l.


MG_INC s.r.l.

