Wilson's Heart (PC)

Wilson's Heart is an immersive first-person psychological thriller set in a 1940s hospital that has undergone a haunting transformation. In this original VR adventure, you become Robert Wilson, a patient who awakens to the shocking discovery that his heart has been replaced with a mysterious device.

As the hospital hauntings intensify, you and your fellow patients must traverse increasingly maddening corridors, overcome frightening environmental hazards and work together to defeat the sinister inhabitants in your pursuit to reveal who stole your heart...and why.

Wilson's Heart leverages an eccentric cast of characters, compelling narrative, striking visuals, and the immersive nature of Touch to bring you into an interactive adventure of mystery unlike any other game experience.

** Now with 360° Tracking Mode **


Oculus Studios


Twisted Pixel Games




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Fecha de salida

Abril 21, 2017

SOs compatibles


HMDs compatibles

Forma de juego