3D Joys (PC)

3D Joys is more of a utility and is short for 3D Joysticks.
It's called that because it's based on Joysticks used in
arcades. 3D Joys allow the player to go 6 different directions
instead of 4 directions like from a regular Joystick with the help
of VR controllers. The player can summon their 3d Joystick at the
position of their hand by using the grip button and choosing from
up, down, right, left, forward or backwards. Testing their hand eye

VR Memory Cube is the first addition to 3D Joys. Test your memory
and maybe possibly improve it with a color remembering game like
the classic Simon game. Basically, the game is to remember a sequence
of colors on a cube while each side of the cube will light up different
colors that will resemble your 3D Joystick. Online Leaderboard
has been implemented for the people that want to show off. Offline
Leaderboard is also an option.

Oculus Rift is the only VR headset I tested this game on.

The future of 3D Joys will depend on its growth because there is
only one person working on this project which is myself and I am
a college dropout student with a Digital Arts Media Certificate. I started
working on this project when I had my first Computer Programing class,
where I learned Python and which made me pursue other programming
languages like C#. Unity is the engine that I am using to make this game.
I am not a professional. I try as hard as I can to bring my vision for
this game into fruition and it may take longer than someone that knows
what they're doing but I hope you see the potential and come along the ride
that is 3D Joys.



3D Joys


3D Joys



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Fecha de salida

Junio 25, 2022

SOs compatibles


HMDs compatibles

Forma de juego


  • Textos en inglés