This award-winning in-development game aims to be a physics-based VR shooter with two main modes: Open World Survival with procedurally generated world and structures on one side, and Quick Matches and arenas on the other side. All this while you build and customize the weapons and equipment with your own hands!

The core features of the project include:
-Free to play apocalyptic and competitive experience, with some paid expansions and cosmetics, some of which are obtainable through the Official Discord (Currently private)

-Intuitive and advanced weapon system, ranging from pistols to guided missile launchers. There are all kinds of weapons, and each of them packs its own features and possible customizations.

-Crafting system with intuitive recipes, refine resources, create components, assemble your projects and customize them with attachments or component variants.

-Building system with modular components such as the classical foundation, walls, and ceiling, in addition to stations such as dedicated workbenches.

-Vehicle system for air, land, and sea vehicles, fully customizable and configurable.

-Huge progression and tiers of weapons and equipment, you will start making a stone hatchet until you can build a small hut, once you have progressed through the game, you will be able to drive suborbital combat aircraft, or even assemble your own cyborg/android body to have your mind transferred into it for superhuman powers.

-NPCs such as the dumb infected or the smart specialists, you will find survivors, soldiers, scientists, and everything in between, some of them will help you, others will try to kill you, find out before it's too late!

-Full physics interactions, your body can be pushed and thrown, you will also need a trained stomach, this is a game for VR experts!

-Procedurally generated world, structures and complexes (bunkers, villages, camps, etc)

-Procedurally generated NPC quests and shops.

-There are several factions, each of them has its own mindset and personality, if you want to progress, you will have to help each of them attack one another or achieve certain goals. Just because today you are burning down their camp doesn't mean tomorrow you will be helping them build a new one.

These factions are present on both Open World Survival and Quick Match game modes. Sometimes you will have to blow up someone else's bridge, hack a database, or transport goods from one point to another. They are the result of collapsing countries in the apocalyptic world after several world wars and the zombie pandemic.
The main factions are the Peace Seekers, the Keepers, and the Leavers, they are the strongest and the ones that have spread the most. The New Reich, the Death Whispers, and the Regular Insiders are not as strong, but they are still important. During a quick match, you will join a faction to fight others, on the open-world survival, you will see their agents everywhere.

+Peace Seekers: the most technologically advanced, they only want a peaceful, united, and stable humanity that can survive any disaster or conflict without the use of violence but will fight for that future to come true.

+Keepers: the best builders, they just want to clean the environment and stop all contamination immediately.

+Leavers: the best fighters, they want to use all resources necessary to build human colonies in space, some of them on other planets, some of them in orbital or wandering space stations.

+New Reich: the most strict and fanatic faction, they want to control everything and everyone, if someone doesn't join their militia, they enslave it.

+Death Whispers: the most territorial faction, snipers and trappers found in the higher mountains and the drier deserts.

+Regular Insiders: the most secretive and hidden faction, they operate within other factions or groups, sabotaging for their own benefit. They know everything about torture, drugs, and mind bending to create sleeping agents, ready to be awakened when needed. They might be already inside your group of friends.

+The War Lab foundation: a corporation attempting to save Elysium, the simulation you are inside of right now. They are looking for agents just like you to help maintain the balance and avoid catastrophic damage to the world you are living in now. You will have to help out to save humanity within Elysium.

What can you expect from this game soon:
A free-to-play VR Shooter with a variety of game mechanics for all playstyles.
Finely detailed handling of weapons and gadgets that are fun to experiment with, and have a variety of customizable aspects.
An immersive experience throughout the entire game experience with very few menus, all of which are inside of the world itself, including buttons and levers on the world instead of having a screen with text.

What you can expect in the future:
Addition of more game mechanics spread across several game modes for players.
Purchasing only what you need: The game will always be free to play, but users that purchase expansions will enjoy improvements to some of the aspects that are present with the F2P version of the game.
Cosmetics: Buy missions to unlock cosmetics that will define your character, making it unique and special. Paying for a cosmetic (Using in-game currency and/or real money) is not the only task to have it equipped, the mission is required for the cosmetic to be visible in public.

Some features that will make their way into the project include:
-Crop farming.
-Seasons changing day/night cycle duration and temperature, as well as crop growth.
-Wildlife and pets.
-Seasonal events.







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