Dislocation (PC)

The VR experience Dislocation takes a look at an absurd moment of disbelief and fear. It examines the internal processes that develop and offers a visual depiction of a person forced into extreme circumstances – a moment of dislocation. We follow the protagonist along a beach in Greece, the Texas desert and a Slovenian forest and journey into his mind where the memories of his lost home slowly decay.

The VR experience “Dislocation” is set in three locations - a beach (such as you might find on the coast of Greece), a desert (like the ones around Mexico and the USA) and a forest somewhere in the Balkan region. In each of these places, we follow an unnamed protagonist coping with the reality of his situation. He turns, looks, hides. He searches or tries not to be found. He is hunted by an unseen force, an unnamed enemy. The viewer moves from one scenery to the other by looking inside the protagonist, moving the headset inside the head of the character standing in front of him. This transports the viewer, first inside the mind of the protagonist, and then, to the next location. This happens until the last location, where the protagonist comes face to face with the force that now shapes his reality. He screams in despair, leaving us in the darkness, from which a set of documentary images of immigrants appear, showing us the final stop on this arduous, inhumane journey.





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Abril 20, 2021

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