Ultimate Wall Defense Force (PC)

Ultimate Wall Defense Force is a single-player, first-person action VR game that lets you step into a God-mode fantasy inspired by outrageous anime fights. Humanity has found its last refuge inside a canyon wall, hiding from the galactic enemy Geodites who are on a mission to eliminate all other intelligent lifeforms. You possess the last Blaster, which gifts you a cloak of invincibility and ultimate destruction powers in the palm of your hands. You must protect The Wall at all costs.

Yield the power in your hands to blast away an onslaught of enemy Geodites that continue to try and break through The Wall. Discover all your abilities, each more powerful than the last – one-punching enemies, shooting an array of finger beams, blasting huge energy balls, and more. Fly through the city as fast as you can to thwart danger, and when darkness falls, only then is the giant Geoboss revealed. Defeat the boss before it breaches The Wall allowing you to rest another night.


Tomas Gomez


Tomas Gomez



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Fecha de salida

Junio 18, 2020

SOs compatibles


HMDs compatibles

Forma de juego


  • Textos en inglés