VR health care (running exercise): VR walking and running along beautiful seabeach and sakura forests (PC)

VR Walking and runing along beautiful seabeach and sakura forests.

VR Health Care (Running Exercise): VR running in different scenes, while enjoying VR scenery while exercising, while forgetting the fatigue of exercise, unlike traditional running, it also contains rich and interesting obstacles, such as: sudden tornado , the lightning that can't be guarded against, the trap of retrogression...
How to play: You can use a vive tracker to attach the tracker to your ankle and exercise on the treadmill (warm reminder: it is best to open the helmet camera to avoid injury, please pay attention to safety when using); or use the handle to run through Shake the handle to achieve VR running effect




Thoth Technology Ltd.



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Noviembre 12, 2019

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