VRemedies - MRI Procedure Experience (PC)

VRemedies is a patient preparation Virtual Reality set of experiences that are designed to introduce patients to procedures before they experience the real world environment. The experience is designed to allow children and their families to feel more comfortable with the treatments they are about to receive, we do this by taking them through the experience virtually.

Requires another person to supervise and respond to keyboard prompts.Photogrammetry (photo – realistic) procedure rooms
Using a team of game developers and cinematographers re-created a MRI procedure room.Guided walk through of procedures.
We worked with direct access and feedback from hospitals, clinicians and play therapists to create a guided walk through of the MRI procedure.Friendly Characters
Robot hospital staff to walk the children through the experience.Environmental InteractivityInteract with the rooms and discover how the machines sound and how they work in a safe "non scary" environment.Exposure Therapy
The rooms are currently being user tested as a method of Exposure therapy, desensitising people to the procedures and rooms and as a result lowering the amount of children needing sedation for these non evasive procedures.







