Como he investigado el desarollo de los nuevos laser de rayos X de KMlabs recibe tambien soporte financial de la SRC(Semiconductor Research Center)
"SRC is very happy with results of this experiment," Kwok Ng, senior science director of Nanomanufacturing Materials and Processes at SRC told EE Times. "In general when you go to less than 10-nm features, it is a big problem to image them. The fact that the EUV microscope is a table-top device will be a big boon to the industry."
Los comentarios abajao del articulo parecen igual interesante.
Yes, this is one of those stranger-than-fiction breakthroughs. If not for the blessing of SRC, I'd be majorly sceptical--even about the 27th harmonic, much less the 5000th. These scientists have got it going.
Terry Bollinger:
I'm not sure which I'm more impressed by: The fast, optical-like, materials-sensitive imaging at nanoscales and (in the future) even atomic scales, or the idea that they can get 5000th harmonics with intensities high enough to provide useful imaging. There are some nice prospects for this imaging technology, I'd say.
Isn't it supposed to be if we use 500 nm visible light at the 5000th harmonic we can get 0.1 nm? Higher harmonics allow longer wavelengths than EUV.
"The EUV laser-like beams can be used for defect detection either standalone or as an inline tool during manufacturing," Kapteyn told EE Times. "The high-contrast, full-field, real-time images of functioning circuits and nano systems will advance the state-of-the-art in fabrication applications."
Los ingenieros parecen muy impresionados por la tecnologia
Como he leido en un otro articulo los cientificos de KMLabs quieren demonstrar microscopos de rayos x en 5 años que podrían hacer peliculas de circuitos electronicos activos con una resolución bajo de 5 nm lateral y 1 Angstrom vertical.
Further leveraging advantages of the tabletop model, the University of Colorado team plans to demonstrate in the next two to five years coherent EUV and X- ray microscopes that produce real-time movies of functioning materials with less than 5 nm lateral resolution and 1 Å vertical resolution in 3D.
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