Curioseando me encontre con este HMD, pero no encuentro donde comprarlo y la web esta en chino:
1. Most HMD are attempted to have a very short distance between the display panel and the lens. This attempt may give a wider FOV (Field of View), however, causes headaches and dizziness. Users would have to be very cautious of injuries. SMPTS suggests 30° for TV audiences.
2. Smartphones are healthier to be used from a farther distance because of the EMI (Electro Magnetic Interference). Goggletech HDM gives enough space between the smartphone and the user’s head so that it incredibly reduces the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate). SAR decreases as the inverse square of the distance from the source of electromagnetic wave is increased. In which, 30~40mm and 60~70mm of distance differs a great amount to the cause of EMI.
3. HMDs are commonly made with swimming goggle materials. Users have felt very uncomfortable because it pulls and stretches their face. Goggletech HMD, however, is made with soft leather so that it gently touches the face. Customers can also enjoy for a long time. THX recommended a 40° view for full HD 16:9 displays, the geometric center of the seating area in regular commercial theaters is 50°, and about 60° for an IMAX theater. Most HMDs range from 90° to 120°, which is the same view as sitting on the first row at an IMAX theater. Goggletech Inc., thus, concluded to give users a view at 60°.
4. Everyone has a varied distance between the left eye and the right eye. Normally, kids have a distance of 45mm to 50mm, women of 55mm to 60mm, men of 60mm to 65mm. It clearly varies between each individual, even the head size. In order to review a side by side identical image, lenses need to be parallel between the display and the user’s eyes. Or else, the user will easily be fatigued, and will be difficult to converse the two identical images to one. The distance between two lenses is easily adjustable with Goggletech HMD.
5. It is very hard to adjust the focal length along with having a perfect focus. Goggletech Inc. uses Bi Aspherical lens to eliminate newtons ring, adjust chromatic aberration, and improve transparency. This is a very important fact because HMDs that are made with cheap materials, such as normal magnifying lenses, it is very harmful for the user’s eyes. Those should be specifically cautioned.
Tiene muy buena pinta y la zona de las lentes parece muy acolchada y comoda, alguien sabe si esta a la venta?