Bueno, por fin han salido los nuevos drivers, que según dicen optimizan algunos juegos con Dx11 y puede ser el inicio del contraataque contra Mantle:
Aquí dejo los enlaces:
Win8-Win7-Vista - Desktop
WinXP - Desktop:
Win8-Win7-Vista - Notebook
Dejo las características y funciones de los nuevos drivers:
GeForce GTX 700 Series (Single GPU):
- Up to 64% in Total War: Rome II[/*:m]
- Up to 25% in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim[/*:m]
- Up to 23% in Sleeping Dogs[/*:m]
- Up to 21% in Star Swarm[/*:m]
- Up to 15% in Batman: Arkham Origins[/*:m]
- Up to 10% in Metro: Last Light[/*:m]
- Up to 8% in Hitman Absolution[/*:m]
- Up to 7% in Sniper Elite V2[/*:m]
- Up to 6% in Tomb Raider[/*:m]
- Up to 6% in F1 2013[/*:m][/list:u]
GeForce GTX 700 Series (SLI):
- Up to 71% in Total War: Rome II[/*:m]
- Up to 53% in Sniper Elite V2[/*:m]
- Up to 45% in Aliens vs. Predator[/*:m]
- Up to 31% in Sleeping Dogs[/*:m]
- Up to 20% in CoD: Black Ops 2[/*:m]
- Up to 10% in Hitman Absolution[/*:m]
- Up to 9% in F1 2013[/*:m]
- Up to 7% in Far Cry 3[/*:m]
- Up to 6% in Metro: Last Light[/*:m]
- Up to 6% in Batman: Arkham Origins[/*:m][/list:u]
SLI Technology:
- Total War: Rome II – added profile[/*:m]
- War Thunder – added profile[/*:m]
- Watch Dogs – updated profile[/*:m]
- Diablo III – updated profile[/*:m][/list:u]
Gaming Technology
- Supports GeForce ShadowPlay™ technology[/*:m]
- Supports GeForce ShadowPlay™ Twitch Streaming[/*:m][/list:u]
- Supports NVIDIA GameStream™ technology[/*:m][/list:u]
3D Vision
Supports new “3D Compatibility Mode” for 3D Vision that enables us to improve the 3D experience for many key DirectX 10 and 11 games
3D Vision Profiles
- Path of Exile – rated “Good”[/*:m]
- KickBeat – rating now “Excellent”[/*:m][/list:u]
3D Compatibility Mode Profiles
- Assassin’s Creed Liberation – previously “Not Recommended”, now rated as “Excellent”[/*:m]
- Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army – previously “Good”, now rated as “Excellent”[/*:m]
- Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 – previously “Good”, now rated as “Excellent[/*:m]
- Strike Suit Zero – previously “Not Recommended”, now rated as “Good”[/*:m]
- Watchdogs – rated as “Good”[/*:m][/list:u]
Additional Details:
Installs new PhysX System Software 9.13.1220
Installs HD Audio
Installs GeForce Experience 2.0
Comentar que están en fase Beta, pero hasta ahora los que han ido saliendo no han dado ningún tipo de problema.
Lo pongo en este apartado ya que es el más acorde al tipo de post. Si no, que se cambie de sitio
EDIT: Según está comentando la gente en los foros, hay un incremento sustancial de fps en diferentes juegos. Entre 2 y 10fps. Not bad.